Galaxy Helmet Blue and Brown


Galaxy Helmet Blue and Brown


Antares helmet is approved 89/686/EEC/SEI.

Our helmet ensures optimal safety.

Very light, comfortable and beautiful. Maximum ventilation keeps air flowing (4 vents  in the front and 2 in the back). Inner pads are removable and washable. They are designed to customize the fit. Three sets of inner pads are delivered with the helmet.

The bandeau and triangle are removable and can be customized.

The Galaxy comes in satin blue, brown leather head piece and harness, beige stitching and silver logo. Vents, triangle and clip are chromed.

Price does not include sales tax, importation tax, service and shipping fee.  Price subject to change.

All helmets have SEI Certification
Certified Model (ASTM F1163-15)
This certification meets the current EA Australian standards

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